3 Key Steps for Dog Grooming
2 min readThe first step to mobile grooming in DubaiĀ is brushing your dog’s coat. If you have a long-haired breed, use a dematter tool to remove mats. Clean your dog’s ears by applying mineral oil on a paper towel. Be gentle and consistent, as a nervous pet may feel uncomfortable or afraid of the water. If you want to give your dog a luxurious bath, consider getting a professional grooming kit.
Make sure to start small:
When you begin grooming your dog, make sure to start small. Try placing a small brush on its fur and give it a short stroke. If your pet responds positively to the gesture, reward them with a dog food treat. Break the process down into tiny steps and introduce new tools slowly. This will help your dog associate grooming with a positive experience. When your dog is comfortable with the process, you can use more complicated tools.
Combing the coat:
The first step of dog grooming involves combing the coat. If your dog is afraid of the process, try using a hairbrush to brush its coat. During grooming sessions, your dog will be much more comfortable if they can see that the grooming tool is a good thing. If the process is difficult for your pet, use a gentle and slow approach to avoid causing pain.
Use the appropriate shampoo and conditioner for your dog:
During dog grooming, you should use the appropriate shampoo and conditioner for your dog. You can also use human shampoo, but it is important to use the right type for your dog. Many first-time groomers make the mistake of using human shampoo for their dogs. While human shampoo works for humans, it’s harsh for dogs, so be sure to use the proper type of shampoo for your pet. You should also avoid getting shampoo on your dog’s eyes.
After preparing the working space, prepare your dog for the grooming session. Set up the tools you’ll need for grooming within reach of your dog. This will minimize the need to go all around the house and retrieve your grooming tools. If you have time, take some time to teach your dog how to use these tools properly. If your dog does respond positively to the new things, you may want to try using a training aid.